Last day of my 20s….

Hank's Dirty ThirtySo I turn 30 tomorrow. I guess you can call that some kind of milestone. Time to sit back and take stock of one’s life? Or stop and reflect on where one’s been and where one is going?

Nah… time for celebration, drinking up with friends and enjoying the present. Just another birthday really, but one where perhaps more people notice than usual. And time for grandiose affirmations:

Bring it on I say, let the next chapter begin.


  1. Happy Birthday Chap!

  2. Happy happy returns!

  3. and many of them!

  4. thank you guys. today’s been great so far…

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO! Can’t wait to see you give you your kick ass pressie tomorrow! I hope you get loads of cool pressies from your mates!

  6. Hey, what’s the fuss about? 40 is the new 30 anyway, so you just turned 20. Or something. Happy birthday, mate!