Not long ago, I mentioned Adobe’s launch of Photoshop Express, a beginner-friendly web version of their famous photo editor. It would seem that they weren’t satisfied with that so they’ve gone and launched, a suite of collaborative tools which “you can use to create documents together and share them with others”.
Adobe have launched the service with Buzzword, an online service that lets you share and collaboratively edit PDF-style documents (think Google docs but schmicker), and ConnectNow, a web-based video conferencing tool. There’s also some file sharing and online PDF creation tools there too. Like Photoshop Express, Adobe have again opted for the full Flash interface. I’ve gotta say, it really is impressive what you can do with Flash these days (other than animated splash pages). ConnectNow lets you see the host’s desktop and (with their permission) you can even steer, all the while chatting via text and video conference.
Take a look for yourself and see what you think.
More info at the blog.