Under Blogging, General, Personal, Technical
I’ve just added in a new section “Work” to the site in the last few days. Just a small showcase of what I’ve been up to for the past couple of years in terms of paid work. A mini-portfolio, if you will. Had to brush up with my JS/DOM scripting to make the image changer work, but it’s always enjoyable to do something new.
It features mostly corporate/commercial stuff for the moment. I’ll be adding more to it shortly, and intermittently as I get decent work under my belt. The “Play” section will be coming soon also, just fun stuff, some flash games and maybe the odd photo or two.
Looking forward to launching this sucker good and proper soon (ie. moving it out of the 2004 folder and into the main site). Stay tuned…
9:42 am
hey there hank – i’ve really enjoyed browsing your blog, here. plenty to entertain my brain cells as they wake up, they might even tackle some of your tech talk for a bit of exercise. i was really keen to check out your mini-portfolio-of-sorts. i think you’re an ace designer. The link for this ‘work’ section “cannot be displayed”, though. I thought you’d like to know, so you can get it sorted out for our pleasing view. such a nice site.
1:22 pm
Thanks for spotting one of the bugs that got away when I moved the site over. Fixed now.