I was just browsing through the archives here and just realised that Gradient Dropshadow Curve turned 2 this month. (Note to self: redesign due!)
That’s 2 years of blogging. What have I learned? Probably not a lot other than comment spam never sleeps…
I’m yet to figure out much about the audience of this site. What sort of content are you interested in? I am currently working on the next version so I’m definitely interested in any feedback – so feel free to comment… and if you’ve been lurking in the shadows, now’s a good a time as any to say hello.
3:12 pm
Two years?! It seems like only yesterday. Back when the web was 1.0 (well, maybe 1.5) and DHTML was something we laughed at. Oh the memories.
You’ve certainly had some highlights around here… I’d site teh bashing people and flash css as personal favourites.
Well done, and keep up the fine work good sir. I’m looking forward to what you come up with as we head towards Web3.1 for Workgroups.
3:26 pm
Yay Web 3.1 for Workgroups! With clock and caculator!
By the way, it’s called DOM scripting these days, not DHTML. But I’m sure that will get tired soon enough and then we can have DxHTML.
Thanks for the comment, I was getting lonely here, about to write to myself.
3:32 pm
Hey, go careful correcting people there. I made that mistake this very morning:
Boss: Do you know anything about DHTML?
Me: Actually, it’s called DOM scripting now…
Boss: Great! ‘Cause I’ve got this client on the phone with some questions, can you take that…
By now I should have learnt that it goes:
Boss: Do you know anything about [insert tech]?
Me: No.
So, back to Gradient Dropshadow Curve… when’s the redesign eh?!
4:21 pm
Mr Speaker: …when’s the redesign eh?!
Me: No.
12:20 pm
Wow, they sure do grow up fast!
Well done for keeping the blogging alive. I’ve considered starting one, but realised I’d do a week of posts and then forget about it for a year.
I’d like to see less intelligent content, and more porn and advertising.
My favourite post and highlight was entering the Degrassi competition.
My least favourite post was finding out that I hadn’t won the Degrassi competition.
Keep up the great work. I look forward to the re-design. (The pressure’s mounting).
5:26 pm
Hi ~ I’m an avid reader, occasional commentor, and I’d like to wish you some early nights to bed in your quest to update your site. har har.
Speaking of updating, I noticed you haven’t ammended your new age since the last year. You did post about the last day of your twenties, don’t make the internet out to be a liar. Why isn’t liar spelt lier? The English language is exraordinary.
I like to read about your opinions on things and stuff that you do in RL. But I’ll read the techie stuff, too. Thank you for blogging. : )
11:49 pm
Thanks guys…
@ Manton: Thanks for sharing… sorry you didn’t win the Degrassi book. You won a free day’s CSS training instead
@ YSO: Age updated. Thanks for noticing. Now I can get some sleep…
7:16 pm
So, when’s the update happenin’?